
With immense pride and enthusiasm, we at Ahnima are launching the Pyta Bar - Awakening of Emotions - at Naturaltech 2023, showcasing the Power of Saffron in Nootropics for Mental Health and Well-being. This launch marks a significant milestone for our second year in business, as we embrace bean-to-bar chocolates and introduce new nootropics into our product line. This step underscores our ongoing commitment to innovation and promoting mental health and well-being through sustainable and nutritious foods.

At Ahnima, we are committed to harnessing Brazil's rich biodiversity to create chocolates that blend science and emotion. We take pride in promoting sustainability, celebrating agroforestry culture, and offering special batches sourced through local partnerships. When you savor our chocolate, you connect with farming communities and become part of the change we strive for. Together, we are shaping a better future.

The new bar and the Power of Saffron in Nootropics for Mental Health and Well-being.

The Pyta Bar is a special chocolate enriched with saffron stigma nootropic, an active compound with potential benefits for mental health. Studies suggest it may act as an antidepressant, anxiolytic, and improve memory and mood. Explore the science behind it: The Power of Saffron in Nootropics for Mental Health and Well-being. This innovative product celebrates Ayurvedic tradition, the ancient Indian science of life, aiming to bring a harmonious balance of flavor, health, and sustainability.

We chose the name "Pyta" because in Ayurvedic philosophy, pitta is the principle of transformation, the "fire" that resides within us, responsible for all biochemical changes in the body and mind. Pitta balances, regulates, and harmonizes, much like saffron, the star of this chocolate. "Pyta" thus represents the awakening of emotions, a tribute to the ability to feel deeply, to be moved, and to allow these emotions to guide us.

The packaging

We are proud to introduce the new packaging of Pyta, characterized by deep blue symbolizing clarity, tranquility, and the depth of thought—qualities directly linked to the nootropic benefits of our saffron-infused chocolate bar. The packaging invites the consumer to a gradual and mindful experience, encouraging the appreciation of taste and understanding of the product's positive effects over time.

“With the new packaging of the Pyta bar, Ahnima offers more than just a delicious chocolate: it provides a sensory journey filled with flavors and benefits for the mind. Additionally, the company invites everyone to embark on this unique experience and discover how a simple daily gesture—savoring a piece of chocolate—can transform into a moment of self-care."

Premiere at Naturaltech 2023

Naturaltech 2023 is approaching, and with it, our highly anticipated debut at this prestigious event—the largest gathering of natural and healthy products in Latin America. This event not only marks our first participation as exhibitors but also positions us as finalists in the innovation awards with our Flow State bonbon.

We invite all attendees to visit our Stand 6H during NaturalTech 2023 to experience the unique blend of flavor and cognitive enhancement that Pyta Bar and our Flow State bonbon have to offer.

Behind the Science of Saffron Stigma - The Power of Saffron in Nootropics for Mental Health and Well-being

O açafrão, or Crocus sativus L., is renowned for its medicinal and culinary properties. But did you know it's also a potent nootropic? That's right, saffron has shown potential to enhance cognitive function, mood, and overall mental health. The first study with this beneficial focus on the brain was 20 years ago and today we have over 24 randomized controlled trials showing how it can be as effective as an antidepressant.

What are Nootropics?

Nootropics are substances that can enhance cognitive function, particularly memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. They can be natural or synthetic.

Saffron as a Nootropic

Studies indicate saffron as a natural nootropic due to its antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. Active compounds like crocin and safranal found in saffron are believed to be responsible for these effects.

Studies have shown that saffron can be as effective as certain antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. It also appears to have anti-anxiety effects. Additionally, some research suggests that saffron may improve memory in adults with Alzheimer's disease and those experiencing age-related cognitive decline. For instance, a 16-week study found that saffron significantly improved cognitive function in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Another study found that saffron extract may increase the stiffness of the blood-brain barrier and reduce β-amyloid plaque burden, a protein that accumulates in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Moreover, crocin, an active component of saffron, has shown antidepressant effects and increases levels of certain proteins in the brain that are important for mental health and cognitive function. Finally, saffron has also been studied as a potential antidote or protective agent against natural or chemical toxicities.

Here are the top studies on Crocus sativus (saffron) and its effects on the brain:

  1. Saffron in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a 16-week, randomized and placebo-controlled trial – This study found that saffron produced significantly better outcomes in cognitive function compared to placebo in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. It was a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, considered the "gold standard" in clinical research. The study was published in the "Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics," a respected journal in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics.
  2. Crocus sativus Extract Tightens the Blood-Brain Barrier, Reduces Amyloid β Load and Related Toxicity in 5XFAD Mice – This study found that saffron extract increases the stiffness of the blood-brain barrier and reduces β-amyloid burden and related toxicity in rats. This study was conducted in rats, specifically using an Alzheimer's disease rat model. The study was published in "ACS Chemical Neuroscience," a high-impact journal in the field of chemical neuroscience.
  3. Antidepressant effects of crocin and its effects on transcript and protein levels of CREB, BDNF, and VGF in rat hippocampus – This study found that crocin, an active component of saffron, has antidepressant effects and increases levels of CREB, BDNF, and VGF in the rat hippocampus. This study was conducted in rats and focused on the analysis of transcription and protein levels in the rat hippocampus. It was published in the "DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences," a prestigious journal in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
  4. Saffron as an antidote or a protective agent against natural or chemical toxicities – This study suggests that saffron may be used as an antidote or protective agent against natural or chemical toxicities. This study is a literature review that examines various previous studies on saffron as an antidote or protective agent against toxicities. It was published in the "DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences."

Overall, these studies are important because they were published in respected scientific journals and employed rigorous research methods, such as randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (in the case of human studies) and detailed analyses of transcription and protein levels (in the case of rat studies).

Why Saffron Pistil?

The saffron stigma is the part of the plant that contains the highest concentration of these active compounds. That's why it's highly valued and often referred to as "red gold."


The science behind saffron as a nootropic is fascinating and promising. While more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of saffron for mental health, the studies so far are encouraging.

In addition to its potential health benefits, saffron is a wonderful addition to your kitchen. With its unique, slightly bitter flavor and distinctive aroma, saffron can transform ordinary dishes into exotic culinary experiences. It's traditionally used in dishes like Spanish paella and Milanese risotto, but it can also be added to teas and desserts for an extra touch of flavor and color.

Therefore, whether you're a culinary enthusiast looking to expand your palate or someone interested in exploring the benefits of natural nootropics, saffron offers a unique opportunity to do both. Enjoy the experience of tasting this precious spice while potentially benefiting from its mental and cognitive health advantages.