Behind the Science of Saffron Stigma
For Mental Health and Well-Being
About Saffron
O açafrão, ou Crocus sativus L., is known for its medicinal and culinary properties. But did you know that it's also a powerful nootropic? That's right, saffron has shown potential to improve cognitive function, mood, and overall mental health. The first study examining these cognitive benefits was conducted 20 years ago, and today we have over 24 randomized controlled trials demonstrating its effectiveness, showing it can be as effective as an antidepressant
What are Nootropics?
Nootropics are substances that can enhance cognitive function, particularly memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. They can be natural or synthetic.

Saffron as a Nootropic
Completely natural
Studies indicate saffron as a natural nootropic due to its antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. Active compounds like crocin and safranal found in saffron are believed to be responsible for these effects.
Acts as an antidepressant
Studies have shown that saffron can be as effective as certain antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. It also appears to have anti-anxiety effects. Additionally, some research suggests that saffron may improve memory in adults with Alzheimer's disease and those experiencing age-related cognitive decline. For example, a 16-week study found that saffron significantly improved cognitive function in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Another study found that saffron extract may increase the stiffness of the blood-brain barrier and reduce amyloid β burden, a protein that accumulates in the brains of people with Alzheimer's.
Furthermore, crocin, an active component of saffron, has shown antidepressant effects and increases levels of certain proteins in the brain that are important for mental health and cognitive function. Finally, saffron has also been studied as a potential antidote or protective agent against natural or chemical toxicities.

Scientific Studies on Saffron
Improvement of Cognitive Function
Saffron showed significantly better results in cognitive function compared to the placebo in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. It was a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, considered the "gold standard" in clinical research. The study was published in the "Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics," a respected journal in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics.
Reduces amyloid β burden
Saffron extract increases the stiffness of the blood-brain barrier and reduces amyloid β burden and related toxicity in rats. This study was conducted in rats, specifically using an Alzheimer's disease rat model. The study was published in "ACS Chemical Neuroscience," a high-impact journal in the field of chemical neuroscience.
Antidepressant Effects
Crocetin, an active component of saffron, has antidepressant effects and increases CREB, BDNF, and VGF levels in the rat hippocampus. This study was conducted in rats and focused on the analysis of transcription and protein levels in the rat hippocampus. It was published in the "DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences," a prestigious journal in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
Protects against toxicities
Saffron can be used as an antidote or protective agent against natural or chemical toxicities. This study is a literature review that examines various previous studies on saffron as an antidote or protective agent against toxicities. It was published in the "DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences."

The "red gold”
Why Saffron Stigma?
The saffron stigma is the part of the plant that contains the highest concentration of these active compounds. That's why it is highly valued and often referred to as "red gold."
The science behind saffron as a nootropic is fascinating and promising. Although more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of saffron for mental health, the studies so far are encouraging.
In addition to its potential health benefits, saffron is a wonderful addition to your kitchen. With its unique, slightly bitter flavor and distinctive aroma, saffron can transform ordinary dishes into exotic culinary experiences. It is traditionally used in dishes like Spanish paella and Milanese risotto, but can also be added to teas and desserts for an extra touch of flavor and color.
Portanto, seja você um entusiasta da culinária procurando expandir seu paladar ou alguém interessado em explorar os benefícios dos nootrópicos naturais, o açafrão oferece uma oportunidade única de fazer ambos. Desfrute da experiência de degustar esta especiaria preciosa enquanto aproveita seus potenciais benefícios para a saúde mental e cognitiva.

For after lunch or breakfast
Want to enhance the effects? Consume BEFORE your morning coffee or alongside your morning shot to ensure perfect nutrient absorption.
Is it low carb?
Yes! Pasta made exclusively from cashew nuts, packed with healthy fats. No need to add processed sugar for your brain to function better; in fact, excess sugar can impair cognitive functions. After all, neurons can utilize ketone bodies.
Make us smarter?
We're not a big pharmaceutical company, and we're not going to promise the world. The truth is, there's no magic pill; there's a magic process.
What do we look for? Combining efficient and pure ingredients to achieve specific goals in your mind and body.
Neuroscience has evolved and we increasingly have evidence that the “secret” lies in the most natural ingredients. Our sweets are the combination of some active ingredients and clinically approved ingredients for a purpose or effect on our body.
Imagine that you have in your candy: Neuroplasticity + long-term memory + antioxidants + dopamine.
Each of the ingredients in our formula is carefully selected, based on its level of purity and scientific evidence, to provide you with the best experience, including so that you feel an increase in your vital energy instantly.
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I'm allergic, can I buy it?
Although our product is gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan, we still do not have an exclusive kitchen so it may contain traces of allergens. We hope not for long!